Thursday, June 5, 2008

Is a Vitamin Supplement Necessary?

It is important to know if a vitamin supplement would be beneficial to your eating. Oftentimes, we just eat what is convenient or what we like and neglect foods we don't like. I guess that's alright if you like food that is good for you and gives your body what it needs on a daily basis. If you're like me, then that is not the case.

Here's me......

I basically eat what I want to eat. I would prefer to eat more fast food, if I'm being honest (I LOVE french fries). I work mainly out of my home, so I'm not out much during eating hours. I eat at home a lot, and I'm actually thankful. My wife, Stacey, is an excellent cook, and more importantly, I LOVE her cooking. She is a lot more health conscious about eating than I am, so we eat pretty healthy and hearty.

Here's the thing, though....

I am tired a lot during the day, eventhough, I get an average of 8 hours of sleep per night. Many days, ok most days, I will take a 15 minute nap during lunch. After my nap, I will drink an XS energy drink to give me a boost for the afternoon.

I think a lot of people go through life tired. They start noticing it in their early 20s and just never do anything about it.

Tiredness is simply a way the body tells us that it is lacking something.

That is why it is important to add a supplement to your diet. Something that will fill in the gaps of what your body is not receiving from the food you are eating.

Next time, I'll discuss the reasons why you should consider a vitamin supplement.

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